An entrepreneur was enjoying her success with her leading technology company in her late thirties. But nowadays she was facing numerous problems with his company. She thought that she deserved better. She couldn't bear this pain. She decided that she could escape this pain by having a bottle of sleeping pills. On this moment her eyes discovered a ticket of a "personal optimization conference" , given by her mother. She didn't use to like this type of conferences. But today she had only two options. One was to kill her life which is full with possibilities. Second was she would attend this conference to kill her negative vibes. These days when people face a discomfort zone like failure, frustrations, they decide to stop their valuable heartbeat. This is not a wise decision. They have to rethink about their creativity, efficiency to work better and to be a good looser. They have to learn from their failure and rectify their mistakes to achieve their goals. No man is p...