Hello everyone. Here I want to tell you about the will power that we all have inside us. When I was in class 4 I can't wash my cloths by myself. My mother used to wash my daily used cloths. One day my mom had fever at that time I learned how to wash my cloths. From that day I wash my cloths by myself. When my age was 12 I learnt to make tea and that was first time I was in the kitchen. When my mom is in kitchen and making some tasty foods for me , I follow each and every steps as if I shall get a chance then I can make it properly. In 2015, my father was hospitalized and when he came back from hospital , he was not able to go to market. I also didn't know how to buy vegetables but I didn't loose my will power. I said to my mind "yes, I can do." then went to the market and learnt bargaining. So whatever the situation is , don't think you can't solve it. Always try to think positive. Every situation comes to our life to give a lesson to us. Be prepared for any situation. And the most valuable thing is your will power. You have to work with your will power. You can go near success if you think that "Yes, I can." .