The 10 Tactics to transform yourself from an ordinary to an extraordinary person are described below:-
- Tactic #1 The Tight Bubble of Total Focus (TBFT) :- Destruction is the main demon who can destroy your creative, productive, potential mind. It also eating your time enormously. But you know that which one is best for you. So you have to wear a bullet proof jacket which must protect your mind from the bullets come from the online world. How to wear this jacket? You have to first divide your times for your several works. You have to maintain this routine. And the most important thing is that make yourself an isolated person while doing the productive works. Free yourself from those fake news, messages, spam, meaningless videos, worthless chatting and every things of the online world which are wasting your time without making you aware of that. Keep your mind free from anxieties which come from the needless shopping, meaningless talk with unknown people, noisy notifications from apps and so on. Focus yourself only on your goals and productivity. So when you are in TBFT make sure that you are using your time and mind in an economical way.
- Tactic #2 The 90/90/1 Rule :- Focus only on one work for the next ninety days and invest first ninety minutes from the schedule to complete the extraordinary which will make you a genius person. This first ninety minutes you have to be free from all online chaos. Keep your devices aside to make sure that they will not disturb you on this 90/90/1 period.
- Tactic #3: The 60/10 Method :- After this strict 90/90/1 rule of your work day the 60/10 method is for increasing your concentration. Do the productive work constantly for 60 minutes without any distraction. Then take a break for 10 minutes. Spend this wonderful ten minutes to refuel yourself. Read story books, go for a walk, meditate, view of listen soothing music to free your mind from anxieties. After this refueling 10 minutes go back and start doing your work for the next 60 minutes and take a break again for 10 minutes. This cycle help you to increase your concentration which helps you to do your inspirational work.
- Tactic #4 The Daily Concept :- List the five things you want to fulfill within a day to make your day productive. Start practicing it daily. The more you practice you will be habituated to it and you can accomplish your dreams. After 30 days you will be fulfilled 150 valuable works, and after a year you may achieve 1825 high-value targets. Therefore the next 12 months will be the most valuable productive month of your life.
- Tactic #5: The 2nd Wind Workout (2WW):- Schedule a 2nd workout at the end of your day to execute the 2WW practice. It will help you to remove your tiredness. You can do a one hour walk which will give you a natural refreshment and make you more energetic for next day.
- Tactic #6: The 2 Massage Protocol (2MP) :- Massage therapy has the power to change your mood, improve the capacity of your work and improve the performance of your brain. It also helps to reduce stress. It helps to reduce 31% fear hormone level, cortisol. It helps to increase 31% neurotransmitter of motivation level, dopamine. It helps to increase 28% neurochemical responsible for regulating anxiety and raising happiness level, serotonin. It also helps to reduce muscle tension and increase the signalling of cells to make more mitochondria. You have to schedule two ninety-minute massage to apply this 2MP in every single week. You may say that it'll cost a lot of money but not more costly than your healthy life.
- Tactic #7: Traffic University:- Nowadays we spend a lot of time in traffic. The Number of vehicles increasing day by day and the time we have to stick in a traffic is also increasing. Most of the people using this time by playing with the technology or chatting with people. But you can utilize this time by listening audio-books or watching some inspirational videos which will help you to increase your education level and growth.
- Tactic #8: The Dream Team Technique:- Make dream team to prosper yourself. You may include a fitness trainer who will help you to workout everyday, a nutritionist who will help you maintain your diet, a massage therapist, a financial coach who will give you economical advice, a relationship adviser who will help you to maintain the bonding with the people who are really important for your life and a spiritual counselor who will teach you how to maintain your mental health through eternity.
- Tactic #9: The Weekly Design System (WDS):- Now you have already scheduled the works you have to do in a week. But you can't ignore your personal responsibility. On every Sunday schedule half an hour early in the morning. In this 30 minutes create a "Blueprint for a Beautiful Week". Write down all those important things that were done by you on the past seven days. The important thing is that write the more important things other than your potential activities. That is the time that you have spent with your loved ones, the time that you worked for your passions. This will give you eternal peace which helps you to become more productive, potential, increase your focus and improve your life's balance.
- Tactic #10: The 60 Minute Student:- Schedule at least one hour to read good books. It helps you to become knowledgeable, to be a great thinker and helps to make a decisive person. Make it a habit to read books regularly for one hour. A good book helps to rejuvenate yourself. You may also review your journals, can talk with your mentor and watch inspiring videos in these 60 minutes.