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The Four Focuses of History-Makers II Focus #3: Personal Mastery Practice

The mantra to win any battle of your life is practice more until you can be the master in it. The standard of your daily achievement depends on the grade of your practice. Morning is the best time for practice because no one will disturb you in the early morning. If you want to be the master in your field you have to increase the time for practice. More practice will help you to grow your confidence level. You have to spend at least two hour forty five minutes everyday to become a genius person. Only practice can give us the courage to reach our goal and help us for the betterment of our life. If you can improve yourself then it will reflect on your work. And every victory is the best gift of your life. At least one hour you have to give yourself in the morning for focusing on upgrading your capability. Your dedication for hard practice will reflect on your potentiality. If you loose confidence then you can't achieve your goal. And before confronting your competitor you have to flourish your inner one. If you constantly keep developing your inner power then you will possibly see a new you full with vast potentialities. You have to edify four things of your inner you. These are your mental attitude, your emotions, your spirituality, and your physicality. So to elevate the power of your inner mental attitude first you have to be an optimist. You have to practice to find out possibilities in every situation. If you can change the way of thinking it will possibly elevate your life. And to become an optimist you have to set free your heart from destructive emotions. You can't do a worthy work if your heart is full with depressions. You can only win if heart is full with cheerfulness. If we stuck in the past and can't excuse those who has harmed us then we can do any masterpiece in our life. Forgiveness has the power to free your heart from the toxic emotions and help you to do your extraordinary work. Only time and victory will give the right answer to those who has hurt you. And to keep your heart healthy you have to give importance to your health too. No one want to die at an early age before doing the extraordinary work. You can overcome all the hurdles of your life if you stay fit and fine. If you stay fit your brain can work properly, you can be more energetic than before and you can make a masterpiece in your life.  And lastly spirituality, which help you to become an extraordinary person. Keep upgrading this four things of yours to be a person full with possibilities, potentialities and be the better version of yourself.