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The Framework for The Expression of Greatness

The achievers are trying to improve the art, science, technology by ultimate use of their brain, knowledge and thoughts. The achievers follow three rules everyday without being distracting themselves.  These are the three techniques to become a successful human being. 
Firstly, you have to acquire knowledge to elevate yourself.
Secondly, you have to put into effect of your knowledge.
And finally, your better performance will give you higher remuneration.
When you will start to change yourself you have to face some difficulties but it will increase your intelligence level. And better intelligence will give you the joy of victory. Therefore you can enjoy with the expensive things of this world that a few get a chance. The achievers focus on the depth of any aspect. They comprehend that only their innovations will give them stature, no matter who they are and what the other people are saying about them. Only their innovations will light up their names. If you want to become an achiever then you have to increase your depth of knowledge. You have to dedicate yourself to become an unique intelligent achiever otherwise you will lost in crowd. And give more time to think before doing any masterpiece. But nowadays people don't have enough time to think. They have a lot of work to do. But if you focus on a small work and give your valuable effort to do one masterpiece then it will be valued more than all those ordinary works. You have to more knowledgeable about new ideas to become an achiever. Self development will help you to become a stunning genius. And you have to grow your ability to make the existence of your dreams which will give you higher remuneration. You have to give all your concentration to your work without getting bored of it. You have to get obsessed with your work. You also have to beware of your enemies. Enemies are like a mirror. Your friend will only appreciate your work but your enemies will criticize your work. So you can see your faults and you have to give more concentration to remove it. And there will be a possibility that they can hazard your life but if you let them to do so. So you have to upgrade yourself everyday. You have to become knowledgeable with your surroundings. You have to give effort to your dream become reality. And your endless valuable effort will help you to become a phenomenal person.